


It is important to be timely (where possible) in submitting an intermission request as the amount you will be invoiced will be informed by your last date of attendance recorded on your intermission request*. If exceptional circumstances apply Academic Registry will contact you for further information/documentation. Only the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience) has discretion to waive tuition fees if a student applies for retrospective intermission and exceptional circumstances (supported by documentary evidence) apply. ill health) are such that you will not be able to re-join in the following academic year/semester/term your application for intermission will need to reflect this. If you apply for intermission during the academic year, you will be charged in accordance with the University's Student Tuition & Accommodation Fees Policy. If you have only just started the academic year, semester or term, however, you may just need to apply for intermission. for the next year, semester, term as applicable.


If you have nearly completed a semester/term, you may need to follow the mitigating circumstances process (please see handbook entry under “mitigating circumstances”), if you will not be able to submit in assessments, so that the Board of Examiners can then make an appropriate decision, and/or you may also need to apply for intermission e.g. You should refer to the Student Tuition & Accommodation Fees Policy on the link above for more information regarding impact on tuition fees. Please also note that there may also be financial implications, which you need to discuss. In advance of applying for intermission we strongly advise you to speak to your Academic Adviser (or equivalent) or Programme Co-ordinator and a Student Engagement and Retention Adviser A range of information, advice and counselling services are available and you may find support that can make a real difference to your current situation.


(If an alternative format is required please email Please note that intermission is not an automatic right but requests will be given full consideration on a case by case basis.


Submitting a request for intermission is a straightforward, on-line process and students can access this from their ChiView accounts. All students intermitting in S1 and all students intermitting in S2 (who have S2 results) will be presented to a Board of Examiners to enable any assessment decisions arising from their results profile to be made. You should refer to the Academic Regulations for more information about intermitting from studies. You may need to apply for intermission at any point during your studies, depending upon your personal circumstances, however, when studies are resumed, it will be at the start of the applicable academic year, semester or term. Intermission is an interruption of study for a period of time, up to two years. Student Tuition & Accommodation Fees Policy In person: SIZ Counter, Learning Resource Centre (both campuses)
